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Upgrading an OLD Gentoo Machine.

I'm in the process of re-installing a pretty old machine with the latest Gentoo. I've got a shared NFS directory with portage and all my machines are using a packages directory. After one machine...

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Gentoo Init Scripts for Cherrypy

A few of the web applications I am hosting/developing are written with TurboGears which uses Cherrypy as its applications server. I have a couple things that need fixed for hosting CherryPy web...

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Using tcpdump on a linux-vserver guest

To debug a problem I'm working on, I need to be able to see network traffic on an interface inside a linux-vserver guest. To do this, you have to enable the CAP_NET_RAW capability for that guest. >...

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Using piped svndumpfilter commands to separate an svn repository

According to the documentation for svndumpfilter, you can include one subcommand when filtering a dumped repository. Suppose you have a repository that has a path "/some/path" that you'd like to...

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How to virtual host load balanced websites with ldirectord and Apache

I posted a while back on getting Heartbeat set up to add reliability to websites. After a few weeks of experience with the system, I thought I'd add a few additional tips on making the setup more...

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Keeping a process running

Have you ever had a process that dies on occasion? For me, I hate that situation and prefer to fix the software as opposed to have a monitor that restarts the process when it dies. I've run into a case...

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Linux-Vserver vs Xen

A while back, I found myself running out of hardware and wanting to host more sites than I currently was. In addition, I wanted to create a little bit more redundancy for some of the services I host....

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Virtual Hosting TurboGears Applications on Mac OS X Leopard

For a couple years now, I've been learning and applying various tricks for developing and hosting multiple Python web sites on my development machines. During that time, I made a migration to Mac OS X....

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Upgrading to WordPress 2.7

I just updated all my blogs to WordPress 2.7. I like the new admin interface. The upgrade was pleasantly easy and quick.

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Microsoft exchange hosting with Sharepoint

I'm a Linux advocate myself. My servers run Linux. I use Linux primarily for my work. At home, I either use Linux or my iMac. While I can get all the services I'm happy with, I have to realize that...

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Quick SSH Tip

I'd wager many of you know this already. Having done this a couple times the last two days though, I thought I'd add it for those that don't. Maybe it's useful to someone. Problem: You want to log into...

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Adding more disk space with LVM2

I've always known that virtualizing things can make management of all types of resources easier. Recently, I had the most pleasant experience adding disk space to a virtual machine. Of course, if you...

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Cleaning up extracted package contents

I hate it when I download a source archive, uncompress it, and find that instead of creating a package directory, with the contents of the archive, the archive was created with a bunch of files at the...

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Upgrading Gentoo 2007.0 to 10.0

So I left all these servers running gentoo a couple years ago. Now, after all this time (and uptime!), I want to install something. Error:  emerge -av portage These are the packages that would be...

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Why and How to use OpenDNS.com

I've been recommending to friends and family that they use OpenDNS.com to help safeguard their homes from adult content. A few things have changed since I originally started using their service and I...

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Changing server ip addresses

OK, so I changed my virtual server ip address in response to my host being allocated a new block of IPs. Anyhow, things seem to have gone ok. I changed DNS timeouts to short, waited, updated everything...

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Slow site lately

Over the last few weeks I noticed this site becoming steadily slower. Turns out I had an unusual amount of requests for /xmlrpc.php.. which in turn caused the server to use up all it's http processes...

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Server Updates

I’ve tried to keep this server up to date but it seems like sometimes you just have to start over. Here are todays adventures. Try to find out why my contact form is blank Delete the old contact plugin...

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Darn Server Software

We commonly refer to software that you aren’t using all the time as becoming susceptible to bit rot. After discovering multiple things that didn’t work on my site, I went ahead and updated all the...

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Pantech/Verizon UML295 USB cellular access on Linux.

I recently had need to attach a Verizon USB dongle to a Raspberry PI device running Linux for mobile internet access. Documenting here in order so it won’t take so long to find this in the future if I...

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